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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  June 3, 2013 7:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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night we'll see you back here tomorrow night. lou: good evening thank you for being with us, a number of development in two of obama scandals at this hour, house judiciary commity is determines whether attorney general eric holder purged himself in front of congress, and irs targets scandal has moved to the nation's capital. we know that internal revenue service has identified workers in their cincinnati office who may have information related to the scandal, some of those 88 people have already talked with congressional investigators. and they are pointing to the irs headquarters in washington. cincinnati, irs. yes telling house oversight
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commit investigators that washington d.c. are not only looking for specific numbers of cases but requesting by name, applications of specific conservative groups. this after the ousted head of irs steven miller, two weeks ago, blamed targets of conservative and tea party groups applying for tax exempt status on quote two rogue employee who went off the reservation, en end quote. today new commissioner, testifying before house aprove appropriation committee, he claims that actions are underway to creation the irs abuse of power. >> i am confident we can address the problems that exist and move forward with a better and more effective irs. with that in mind, in my fires few days i inaread a
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comprehensive review of the agent, and taken immediate action to begin to address significant and alarming problems identified in the report. lou: an outrageous abuse of spending also uncovered at internal revenue service. an inspector general's report reveals agency spend up to $50 million between 2010 and 2012 on lavish conferences and ridiculous videos like this one on the screen, unfortunately for him, we're lechining -- rear learning more about doug schulman who reportedly visited white house 1% times between -- 1157 times. the group on its web site reveals that it received much of its funding from liberal groups
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such as ford foundation, streisand foundation, a coalition of labor unions, including afl, and cio, there circumstance peers to have been no problem with their tax exempt problem at this time. irs scandal. one of several engulfing obama administration, "new york times" reports that whispers around the oval office indicate that attorney general holder may have out lived his political usefulness to president obama as justice department claims that their boss did not lie to congress on may 15, shannon breen with our report. >> reporter: eric holder's -estimony before congress was accurate and consistent according to a letter from principle general. this is response to an inquiriy from house judiciary committee
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leaders who believe this is a i did cress pansy between holder's may 15 testimony, and what they later learned about his involvement in decision to own take a search warrant into fox news chief correspondent james rosen. >> the statement he made and his actions are not reconcilable, it would be a good place to start, come back to the congress, attorney general holder, explain to us your actions versus when you said regarding fox news investigation. >> r response, kazzic acknowledges that attorney general did approve the application but important to note difference between investigation, and a prosecution. it continues quote, at no tile time -- against the reporter, but letter itself may spark
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additional questions, cad swing adadmits.quote -- the justice department's means althouuh attorney general approved of a sworn affidavit claims that rosen was engaged in criminal activity presented to federal judge for purpose of getting access there was never any considering of pursuing charges against rosen. >> they are consistent, and often the practice in cases where you have investigations, that you target on somebody for purpose of gathers information, with never having any intention of prosecuting them. >> they say that doj letter is from a person they term a low level staffer. they still expect to get a
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response from attorney general himself by that wednesday deadline. and said that committee may subpoena holder if he does not meets that deadline. lou: thank you. shannon breen. >> my first guest said that attorney general is responsible for the dangerous incursions in to first amendment. threaten our freed am of expression, joining me now. floyd abrams with a new book coming out tomorrow friend of the court on front lines with first amendment. it will be released tomorrow, it is great to see you. >> good to see you. >> that quite a spectacular series of statements from attorney general was on the and justice department. principle department saying -- deputy. this is what attorney general
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said. how could it not be contravention of truth. >> the way i view it, he may be telling the truth but they never managed prosecute -- images prosecuting, the problem they told a judge in a signed affidavit by fbi submitted by department of justs they the journalist, was that is probable cause to believe that journalist was violating the espionage act, and at the very least an aider or abetter of someone doing it. @%ey were trying to persuade a judge to give them a search warrant, and whether or not that believed they were going after the journalist, to me is not the real point, the real point is that there was no bases forever saying to the judge, that the the
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journalist was an aider or abetter. lou: the big deal for me is attorney general, an fbi agent and a judge signed off on what every one of these people should have known. >> i agree with that i'll give the judge a pass because he had ththe -- before him a signed affidavit. saying that th the journalist wa flight risk that was -- whether or not it was credible when it was said, it cannot have been believed. by people in the deputy of justice. >> it amazes me, 3 institutions, u.s. justice department, our courts our federal courts and the fbi, put their honor to the side. >> they diddit in the name of the united states this document was filed in court under
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stationery of the united states of america. in the name of the united states and what it said was that the juniorallist was -- journalist was violating the espionage law, of it not true, it was not true when they said it whether or not my guess is correct, that that was their way of getting a search warrant. it still unacceptable. >> and where do we go from here? the idea that this could there -- there would be a discussion about this, president would not immediately dismiss this attorney general, that immediately there is not a call for a full investigation. the fbi who signed the papers sassetting fourth probable caus. the judge, i will follow your council and give him a pass, but i do so, i am telling you i am
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repulled. >> this is an unacceptable situation. behavior, and the question is, where to go from here. i think that fewer had a good effect. i believe at the least, they will refrain from this type of excess, and this type of abuse, in the future. remember we are talking about a leak investigation. leak investigations have their role, but they were never supposed to be in the central focus. something that trumps everything else, and it is only f you believe that it is so important that we got to get the guy that done it, et cetera. that we're ready to say this or that or that that you could understand it, except as you
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know, total indeference for first amendment, and indifference to just being up front. with the court that you are appearing before. >> and the people you serve. >> and the people of the country, yeah. >> floyd abrams, great to have you here. hopeful to the point of action. thank you very much. congratulation on your new book, out tomorrow, "friend of the court." it goes on sale tomorrow on-line. and in bookstores across -- go to we have links as well. privileged to to see, and enthusiastically, recommend the book to you. floyd thank you.
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>> thank you. lou: army private first class bradley manny, on trial today after 3 years, for, agent led -- allegedly leaks to wikileaks. prosecutor argue he was driven by a desire for noterity, the 25-year-old former intelligence analyst faces life in prison if convicted. >> meanwhile. can representative himself in his upcoming murder trial. lou: last recession called a man-cession, because it hit men in the workforce hard, feminists and libya media celebrate a few research study, we explore it in
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chalk talk. >> markets are higher, the economy has improved a little bit. did republicans miss there are chance at a debt cutting deal? former cbodirector doug at eagon will join us next. we know a place where tossing and turning have
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lou: it didn't look like it would be this way for most of day but stocks giving us some good news to report to you, dow up 139, s&p, nazdaq up 10 on the day. volume on the big board 3.9 billion shares, after the bell, s&p announced general motors will replace heinz on s&p
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500, heinz set to become a private company this week. >> in economic news, auto sales jumping 8% last month. with a strong demand for pickup trucks and suvs. >> manufacturing activity unphoenixly contracting last month for firss time since last nooember. gold up 19-dollars today, finishing under $1412 an ounce, crude oil up a dollar 50. 93.5 a barrel, and bond market, yield fell to 2.13% on the 10 year. hopes on a deficit deal and a debt deal fading. joining us now to talk about what this means for economy growth, markets and country, former cbo director, doug holt
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seek an. and rob cab caplan, let me start with markets rob, get your -- if you will divine what is going on here. easy money for the near-term? >> yeah. i think that market still reacting to decent not great earnings, decent not very strong gmp growth, and low rates, and i think this market. is relatively fully valued gone straight up this year. so, it would not surprise plea to see it take a breather, but with rates this low it could go for a while. lou: doug. the "wall street journal" reports that hopes for a deficit deal, shrinking near-term deficits all that, suddenly there is a prospect there will be no grand bargain, no great fiscal policy template for years
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ahead? >> yes. first let's deal with the substance, i think you know any of budget news you heard that says we're out of the wood is wrong, we saw some one time improvement for 2013. and usually reverses itself. we went through this in 90s it is premature to declare victory, the economy issoverstated. we saw today's ism, we've seen confidence and housing prices go up but we have not seen housing starts. and enough income to sustain the consumers, on this, i don't see why everyone is celebrating. >> do you concur, rob? >>yeah. i think that the market implace itly believes that at some point in the future it hopes there
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will be entitlement reform it sees same thing doug referred to, if you go beyond2015, to 2023 it market gets worst. >> we were watching the yields bounce around in the bond market. and watches for most of the day when looked like another sell-off. investors right now have to be scratching their heads to say what is going on. we hear good nees on budget deficit short-term, 640 billion nearly a trillion was expected. it is hard to divine a clear path. >> it is. i think what you are seeing circumstance the market looking at a lot of short run indicators, how quickly the
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fedexist -- fedex its. nothing good is going on there has been no progress on fundamental spending, the market knows that but the question is how much do you make in now while the money is cheap there is a little bit of short-term earnings in absence of a long run growth mandate out of washington. >> rob, your outlook, you would divine what is going to through short-term planses and long-term outlook? >> sluggish. against decent, not great earnings growth, sluggish gpm growth, i would say stepping back from this. this i is a golden opportunity. to take what is a behind period and work with republicans. to do more deficit reduction, i think one comment i would make,
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country with debt is gop as it creates a will hav vuller theray with higher interest rates in future, and with aging population and demographic this is a window of opportunity to get something done. i hope in washington they will. >> all right. >> i want to also add. president needs us for his agenda, what he wants to get done so this is in his interest. we're 5 years from the recovery. >> doug thank you very much. appreciate it. >> thank you. lou: now with weekend box office universal's "fast and furious" 6th, hanging on to the top spot, bringing in 34.5 million.
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bank heist thriller, now you see me. coming up tomorrow, how judiciary committee congressman bob goodlot will join us. talking about whether or not the attorney general purged himself before -- purgerred himself before congress. up next, pew pole on women bread winners, giving feminists and liberal media something to chief about, too bad they didn't read the report or perhaps understand it, we'll lay it out in the chalk talk.
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lou: in the last two or three days i have been3 criticized including some in
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our own tent saying a new peer research study on bread winner moms it troubles me about this country and what is happening to our society. of you of my detractors decided it was a hallmark of sisterhood with their progress to gender equality because moms are the sole or primary breadwinners in 40 percent of homes. here is what they are focusing on and there is a lot to celebrate. it is in some smaller percentage than they suggest among the folks with whom i have had a word or two, there is some good and submerge material people did not look at. we are now looking at 5. 1 million married mothers who have a higher income than their husbands. that is great. who were they? ask ourselves what this means. 49% have a least a college
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degree. 65 percent are white. 67% between the ages of 30 and 50. more richer, and median family income is nearly $80,000 and that is pretty much what most people expected. but all that is not what impressed me or concern to me. believe and not the there are folks who thought i should not be concerned or troubled i do not know why they felt that way. frankly i don't care because it is more ideological war reflexive with something to do in some abstract way, i think with gender politics but here is what my detractors refused to a knowledge and in some cases didn't want to talk about it the single moms.
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eight point* 6 million of them. versus the 5.1 million. and the single mothers who are working, 49 percent have a high school degree and working because they have to. this is not about progress it is about the consequence of choices we are making as a society and it is not working ouu great for these folks and to deny that i contender one negative consider that to be a courageous. 40 percent are black nearly one quarter are hispanic nearly one-third are white. almost half, 46 percent 30 years or younger. if they have never been married, divorced or separated or widowed come on average they make $29,000 per year. if they have never been
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married on average $17,400 per year poverty line by the way with one adult and one child is just over $15,000 so this tells you where these women and their children live in our economy. the children live in poverty and the moms are the sole provider by default not because of gender equality or progress or here us roar. many children of this single moms are at rest. so they perpetuate a cycle of delinquent behavior so all of us men and women have got to break the cycle of passivity and indifference and good guide to break the cycle of irresponsible political correctness that dilute some to believe the pain of society and the consequences of
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poor public policy decisions we have to address and fix this for these people say. we will take all of that up with our fox news security analyst that she has had a career with education, a distinguished post come home and family and also to suggest traditional home and family is not for her. to prospective sam bright women here next. >> the obama irs scandal widening. new reports of wasteful spending on top of everything else. congressman brady is here with us tonight. it is a disgrace. our veterans forced to wait months or years for their benefits. congressman miller joins us tonight with his solution. 7ocks and 6 weeks of sleep
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lou: as i just mentioned the study of the red with their moms has created a debate to the national media. my next guest has two different outlooks with the rise of women and confronting them and joining me now with their perspective is fox news contributor and national security analyst, k.t. mcfarland. >> and grandmother of five. >> i am also a grandparent of five. let's get to as you deal with more traditiinal personalities as we brag about their grandchildren. >> i have a dog. [laughter] how can we bally to you saw what i said more than eight
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point* 5 million women faced with an income between $17,400 per year upsurge 29,000 lacking education the children will go into the same cycle and we are perpetuating such a waste in our society. >> unfortunately there are very few people who were willing to talk about this. have to talk about single mothers and the problem is they cannot financially provide for then you talk about not being able to give them educational opportunities and to ultimately leads to the entitlement society where these people become dependent on government programs and systems because they don't have the two-parent household where they have two figures to contribute to their emotional, physical, financi al well-being. is this conversation needs to happen i am all for strong and empowered women in the works fate long dash
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work for siam for the female breadwinner's settlement to equate them to the animal kingdom but i support that wholeheartedly but, i also support and you are a single woman and want to have a child and you can handle that with a supportive family and your financial able to take that on, i also tip my hat to you but you needdto be sure you can financially provide for that child you do a disservice not only to your child but to society. lou: i was thinking if there is a lot more at work than many. >> yes. with the "chalk talk" you really painted to societies there is one that we talked about a book called coming apart and he studies wide american families over a 50 year ppriod and says we have deal leaked tribe that is well educated and conservative. lou: and he kept his entire
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book and analysis and conclusions to only white americans so there was no racial issues he found there better educated, mary, have followed divorce rate and only 4 percent have children out of wedlock and single-parent families and they are very intact and doing well. but theater group that you talk about single parent families of the women are breadwinners out of necessity the children are far more likely to use drugs and me poorly educated and not get a high-school diplomas that is the problem because it is those middle-class values. >> do want to get married married, have children, what are your aspirations? >> i personally don't want to have children whether or not i get married i don't know of we have a husband
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that has no problem with me being of breadwinner i plan on having a prosperous career. [laughter] but it doesn't really matter pants that needs to be decided on an individual basis per couple and family. lou: i have heard more guys say i wish my wife. but i ought to be honest i think women are overestimating the mail concerned about how much somebody is making. i can tell you how many have said i wish my wife did. >> if you educate children and say women have equal opportunity. i grew up when women did not. we did not have equal access to education or jobs and certainly not protection under the obama and now i say we have come along way.
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i want you to of this in education and professional opportunities but also want you to have a family. lou: there lies the issue. it seems to me we are a accommodate choices and it should not be either a neanderthal or something simple to say. it is your life, it is america. you lived it. why isn't that the case? there is a feminist attitude about it that i don't know another way to say it but there is still a vested judge -- of us did of the male neanderthal. [laughter] i don't know what the devil is going on. >> you can also talk about the importance of family and to people who love and
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support a child without being outdated by saying i want women to be empowered and men to be empowered. lou: i want children to be empowered. at 8.6 million are at risk not empowered for the that is the issue. >> they will never catch up to the elite group growing up going to college and graduate school. lou: it challenges a lot of the assumptions made across society by the traditional and different views. >> talk about the cultural components how people feel about men and women with gender stereotyping and what that task to do with it that also puts an interesting mix there's a lot of research on college campuses how men feel they are not welcome and there is a lot of them in his activism on campus.
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man up? [laughter] lou: get out and go to work. that is why we have 50% in percent of college graduates are women that insurers their future for the next couple of decades as breadwinners. thank you. up next even the left-wing "new york times" seems to have turned on the attorney general and kevin brady on whether he lied to congress. next.
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lou: joining us now congressman kevin brady as well as the joint economic committee and tomorrow he will be participating in a hearing that we will hear a little bit about the victims great to have you with us.
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testifying in the middle of a 30 day comprehensive review for you kidding me? how can he say he could do the review of the irs in 30 days? >> the new acting commissioner, his job is to put out the fire, not to shed light on the scandal which is what he ought to be doing helping us to get to the truce with the targeting of conservative donors and organizations as well as the leaking of that private taxpayer information to the media and liberal groups and the campaign as well. pcs his job differently as we do. lou: the ways and means committee the national party, fernand joe cowley patriots founder and president lynchpins of
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liberty, what do you expect to hear from these victims of what has been and the egregious, egregious use of power by the irs? >> this investigation will be very thorough and complete and to do that you have to hear from the victims of both from the abuses they suffered and they may shed light on how this started so we can continue the investigation. look at the six witnesses covering a range from local organizations that questions were so intrusive that they simply gave up. others were asked everything from what is the content and details of your prayer meetings to organizations whose donor list was leaked organizations. you got into the leaking phases of the abuse of the
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ira's. you have a broad range of victims. lou: important to hear from them also some of the agents are starting to talk in relearning what has been said to investigators the house oversight committee in particular. do you think we will have a good sense to how far this scandal which seems to broaden every day how far up it goes? >> it will take time to do a just the initial investigation both republican and democrats clearly those have said we have directions from up above we will follow the trail deliberately who initiated the targeting and how broad and wide is this and they share personal
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information with other federal agencies to come down on the group's. we're just coming down but unless the commissioner helps us to shed light to it will take time to get there. lou: we wish you luck tomorrow. up next embarrassing and scandalous backlog of the veterans affairs department and jeff miller is one trying to resolve the issue. b-s issues. next.
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lou: next test referred to the backlog at the virginia as a national crisis it has grown to affect 600,000 veterans in increase of 2,000 percent just over the past four years and one of the people trying to fix it is chairman of the veterans affairs committee on intelligence. good to have you with us. but start with the numbers i cannot believe 270 days before any event -- benefits it is appalling. >> that is the average. some individuals are waiting 500 days or more and there are claims that are years old and we have to figure out what the problem is and i want to help not from the
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adversarial position but the numbers keep rising and veterans keep waiting and they keep dying before they get benefits. lou: it is outrageous and thank you. i know chris collins of new york, a general actions secchi they want him fired. >> key is an honorable gentleman i don't want to go that far yet but the ice is getting very thin. i have already called for the undersecretary of benefits to resign. they said they would not make that happen so we have to try to work within the construct that we have to make sure every dollar or person and technology available. it is not a matter to get what they ask for because they have gotten everything they ask for we have a management problem and a
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systematic issue. lou: for the boxes of the files. >> every regional office you will see stacks and stacks of the paper files very little is digitized and when you separate from the department of defense they give you a paper filed bayou need a truly electronic health record that follows you until you become a veteran. >> i have been told the former secretary of the virginia has suggested, i have not talked to him about this coming he has an idea give them in the advance and figure it out later. >> that is a great idea i have great respect for secretary nicholas in but
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the virginia is terrible about going back to clawback insurance payments that are made now with they have billions of dollars still outstanding i'd like to see a partial payment for the advance that may be one of the only way is to get over the hill but the focus with the disability backlog and the overtime, if they don't fix the system, it doesn't matter how many people they put in to help the backlog go down. lou: the man responsible the president of the united states, president obama that you try to manage around who has not taken the lead. we appreciated it congressman miller. good luck. that is it tonight house
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judiciary committee congressman joins us tomorrow we hope to see you tomorrow night. of good night from new york. vo: traving you definitely end up meeting a lot more people b a frnd under water is somethg completely different. i met a turtle friend today so, you don't get that very often. it seemed like it s more than happy to have us in his home.
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neil: it's june, ready to swoon? forget today, are bad days coming soon? i am neil cavuto, june creates most headaches this month we're just starting the month we historically see the most selling, this particular june, so happens to be when all of the scandals are approaching scalding. i am talking about news for more than a couple of rogue agencies, cracking down on conservatives, try 88, they were not just sere -- zeroing


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